Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer fun

so we are already into July and wow has it ever been hot here! Matt just had his wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday and it doing pretty good I think so far. Has some swelling and the fun part of not being able to open his mouth all the way, I remember having it done! Looking forward to this 4th of July weekend! I am off on Sunday so we will head to our little church for worship and a sermon and then off we will be to our annual 4th of July pool party in our neighborhood!!! Its always a fun time and I usually don't get to go because of work but I will enjoy it this year since I am off, after that maybe a cookout here and fireworks with the kids and their friends no doubt! Hope everyone has a super 4th and a safe one too!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Well we have had a busy start to summer! Oh its so nice to sleep in :) We headed to the free movies last week and enjoyed the new movie theater in Simpsonville, we pretty much just walked in it was great!
Matt got a job at one of our favorite places to eat so that is exciting, I know he will and did enjoy his first paycheck, lots out there to save for! Lukas and Miah have had lots of fun playing with friends and we enjoy going to the pool, Miss Lilah loves jumping in the water and has no fear so we better watch out ;)
We hosted a youth group pool party this past weekend which was fun! I hope to try and post more of what is going on :D

Monday, April 12, 2010

Busy weekend!

I am sure most everyone has been enjoying the beautiful weather out, much better then the 90 degree weather we had a week and a half ago.My kids like going out to play on these nice days, Lilah will try to sneak in the neighbor's backyard when she can to jump on their trampoline ;) Yard work was done this weekend and Matt and his band got to practice their new material here Saturday, I will post some pics from the photo shoot I did of them downtown, love going down there its got to be the best downtown ever! We had a nice day yesterday, church, a nap and then took the kids to Stevie B's. We stopped and rented the Blind Side on the way home and wow was that a great movie. I love watching great movies based on true stories, kudos for people out there who see a need and do something to help!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Thirty One business!!!

I am really excited, my friend Lisette and I decided to join the Thirty one team last month! Thirty one is a Christian based company that is based on the Bible verse
Proverbs 31....I found this great description
What we find is a strong, dignified, multitalented, caring woman who is an individual in her own right. This woman has money to invest, servants to look after and real estate to manage. She is her husband’s partner, and she is completely trusted with the responsibility for their lands, property and goods.

She has the business skills to buy and sell in the market, along with the heartfelt sensitivity and compassion to care for and fulfill the needs of people who are less fortunate. Cheerfully and energetically she tackles the challenges each day brings. Her husband and children love and respect her for her kind, generous and caring nature.

But with all her responsibilities, first and foremost, she looks to God. Her primary concern is God’s will in her life. She is a woman after God’s own heart. Let’s examine the characteristics of this remarkable woman — a role model for Christian women today
How amazing is that? I really want to strive to be that Proverbs woman of God! I look forward to helping my family and church financially through this opportunity, check out some of the pics I posted from a recent show we did , 31 has lots of cute handbags,totes, lunch bags,diaper bags you name it! I love the fact that you can have anything monogrammed to make it more personal! If you would like to get some of these great items for free book a party with us, its so easy!!! THanks for checking us out

Spring is here or is it?

its been a great spring so far, love the nice weather, makes me want to go out and do something with my yard...not hahaha I don't have a green thumb at all so I will have to look for help in that area! I took Lilah to a fun Easter egg hunt yesterday, my friend Christy and her daughter Emily met us there for the fun, the girls had a good time, so fun to watch them ahhh to be 2 again :) enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

well once again I have fallen behind!

I can't believe its getting to the end of February! Where has Jan and this month gone? We ahve fun celebrating Matt's 16th birthday last month. We had a fun February got our first snow 2 weekends ago and this past weekend we got to take the kids to the circus they really had fun.Mark and I celebrated 18 years of marriage on Valentines day,and Mark's birthday how cool is that? Well I hope to keep up better here sorry its been way to long! :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas is on the way!

we had a fun past weekend, I took the girls to go see Santa here in our subdivision, they had fun but boy was it cold out. Lilah wasn't to sure about this Santa thing until sissy sat on his lap so she decided it must be ok lol. The look on her face was priceless the whole time, got some cute pics of them enjoy!