Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its officially FALL!!!!!!!!!

woot can you feel my excitement I love fall, I think it has to be my favorite season since we moved here! We spent Sunday afternoon downtown at art in the park it was fun and the weather was beautiful! I am hoping to get out all of my fun fall decorations this weekend and start sprucing the house up,I think I need to get some more pumpkin candles too I love the smell of them yummy! Ok that is it for now will post pics soon!


Sherry said...

I love fall too. I have a giant red maple in my front yard that is always the last tree in town to change, and I noticed the first red leaf today...signs that winter will be here way too soon!

GiGi said...

Ahhh I Love fall too. So festive and cozy. Enjoy every second of it