Monday, December 1, 2008


wow is it chilly outside today, I managed to get up after a 5 days of no kids in school to get everyone up and ready to get out the door~ We had a great weekend, Miah,Mark and I went to Lowes' Saturday night and picked out our tree it was so cold and rainy out we let babysit so we didn't have to take Miss Lilah out :) Then off to Wally world to get Lilah's new kitchen for Christmas....shhhh don't tell her ;)
Yesterday we put the lights up and decorated it yay! I will take some pics later today, I was able to put Christmas lights up a few in front of the house last night and I finally got my lighup candlesticks I have always wanted to put in each of the front windows! We took off late this morning to wish my good friend Amy and her boys off as they move to NC this week. We had lunch with them at McDonalds, poor Lilah was the object of all the kiddies there she must have looked like a cute puppy all the kids wanted to pet her lol. Well off to pick up kids soon and I must say I am jealous its going to snow in Asheville later! Oh I added Thanksgiving pics I cooked my turkey in a paper bag this year doesn't it look yummy? and we didn't have to baste it at all! woot


Kim said...

I WANT SNOW TOO! It's been snowing at my sisters all day....I'm so jealous.

GiGi said...

Aw, you have your tree.... I want one so bad but Jason is making me wait :( Boo-hoo. Can't wait to see pics