wow did we ever embark on the prettiest lights ever tonight, there is a home here in Mauldin that has over 160,000 lights I had heard about, I told Mark about it and he drove us over there tonight and the kids loved it! There was a lady outside playing Christmas songs on the piano,santa was there to take pics with and free popcorn, you take a stroll in the backyard for more amazing lights! They don't charge anything just ask for donations to cover their $1000-$1800 electric bill they have from the all of this fun! GO and check it out you don't want to miss this!
wow I still can't believe its the middle of December already! We had a fun time last weekend at church we all got to go see Miah sing in the Christmas musical it was so festive and fun a great way to get you in the Christmas mood and Miah did a great job along with her good friend Sabrina who comes with us on Wednesdays to choir and Ga's! Grandma and Grandpa Steve got to come and see the performance too, Today was the Mauldin Christmas parade! We had a lot of fun participating with Langston middle school! The kids had a fun time decorating Mark's truck and it was fun to be in a parade and wave to everyone! The kids had alot of fun! enjoy the pics!
wow is it chilly outside today, I managed to get up after a 5 days of no kids in school to get everyone up and ready to get out the door~ We had a great weekend, Miah,Mark and I went to Lowes' Saturday night and picked out our tree it was so cold and rainy out we let babysit so we didn't have to take Miss Lilah out :) Then off to Wally world to get Lilah's new kitchen for Christmas....shhhh don't tell her ;) Yesterday we put the lights up and decorated it yay! I will take some pics later today, I was able to put Christmas lights up a few in front of the house last night and I finally got my lighup candlesticks I have always wanted to put in each of the front windows! We took off late this morning to wish my good friend Amy and her boys off as they move to NC this week. We had lunch with them at McDonalds, poor Lilah was the object of all the kiddies there she must have looked like a cute puppy all the kids wanted to pet her lol. Well off to pick up kids soon and I must say I am jealous its going to snow in Asheville later! Oh I added Thanksgiving pics I cooked my turkey in a paper bag this year doesn't it look yummy? and we didn't have to baste it at all! woot
I still can't believe that its just 1 week away, where has this year gone? To fast I think, we still haven't decided what to do lol guess I Will ask Mark later when he gets home from taking his ASE recertification tests what we are going to do :D Lukas stayed home from school this morning his stomach wasn't feeling good but thank goodness he felt better later on and even went outside and raked leaves, Lilah and I went out to watch big brother and because of the uneven ground in our front yard well our whole yard actually she fell on her face and scraped her nose up! Poor baby! We look forward to the weekend and I can't wait for those wonderful sale ads to come out next Thursday so I can plan my Black Friday outing!!!!
yeah we had fun volunteering for His Radio the other night! We got to sign up listeners to win some great prizes and of course hear some super cool music, Toby Mac rocked the Bi-lo center and you gotta love the Jesus Freak song!,
ok had to post some pics I have taken recently some off of our back deck and some of Lilah Anne at the park! we are sooo glad we moved here it is a wonderful place to live!
Girls getaway entry cruise! Wow doesn't this sound amazing? I still can't imagine what it would be like to go on a cruise, with 4 children ages almost 15 to a 1 year old next week life keeps me busy! Living in beautiful upstate South Carolina is wonderful but still so far from my best friend Christy in SW Florida. Christy is a a busy mom of two herself, she works full time for an abstinance based program for teens in her city! We keep in touch by emails,phone calls and of course texting when time permits :) Christy has such a special place in my heart. I am so thankful the Lord placed her in my path when I was just 12 and in 7th grade. We became close friends immediately, our personalities are so much alike its funny. Christy invited me in 9th grade to a Youth for Christ meeting and through that wonderful group I went forward to ask Christ into my heart with her by my side. We have been there for the biggest occasions in our lives, marriage, birth of our children the list goes on. We haven't lived near each other for almost 8 years now, so getting away on a cruise with my best friend would be the greatest! Thank you for considering her and I for the contest, she would be so surprised as well, best friends now for 25 years and counting PTL! Leah Einhorn
ok I couldn't resist I had to go find some pics of that heart throb back from the 70's Do run run anyone remember that song? lol I am officially a dork but I had both of these albums to go with my Shaun Cassidy radio/microphone set and t-shirt :)
well not me but Miss Miah turned 9 on Tuesday!! We had a small party with grandma and grandpa Steve and 2 of the neighbor girls she plays with all the time. We are having her big party the weekend that High school musical comes out with a few girls for that and then back here for pizza and cake! ahh good times parties are so fun when you are young, I still remember the one birthday I had when I was like 8 or 9 and it was all Shaun Cassidy wooooo I am really showing my age here hahaha
well I guess I can't say life it was more like 4 hours today without power but what a pain it was.It was around 9:15 when a transformer blew behind our house, down went the power and up woke miss Lilah from her nice nap that she wasn't done with. We pretty much hung around the house played and since I had nothing else to do in between I actually cleaned! Lilah and I went upstairs and made beds, put clothes away and straightened up the bonus room soon, yeah I know I shouldn't make the kids beds but I felt compelled to see a clean room at least once this week up there.When Lilah went down for her nap I cleaned windows,my wood table that we eat at which was crying to be cleaned lol and washed some baseboards, oh I washed diapers too and cleaned my room, WOW! Guess hubby will be surprised when he comes home to a clean house today lol! Power back on by 1:30 pm yippeee!!!!
woot can you feel my excitement I love fall, I think it has to be my favorite season since we moved here! We spent Sunday afternoon downtown at art in the park it was fun and the weather was beautiful! I am hoping to get out all of my fun fall decorations this weekend and start sprucing the house up,I think I need to get some more pumpkin candles too I love the smell of them yummy! Ok that is it for now will post pics soon!
yeah could I do a better job of blogging? lol Its been a busy week here like usual, talking kids to school, playing with my punkin and of course checking out facebook when I can, it was an early morning for me today I was at work by 5am and home by 8 so Mark could take off to a meeting he had, the kids got up and we went right back to work to grocery shop lol! I was busy tagging a bunch of clothes today that I am consigning so my couch looks like a tornado hit it ugh I hate messes but at least the stuff will be gone Monday when I drop it off. Well when Mark got home he had a great idea of re-arranging our bedroom furniture we were in need of a change in there I love the way its layed out now. Now I think I want to sell the set and get something else lol so off to craigslist it will go this week! until I blog again!
Wow I can't believe the summer is over and the first day of school was today, well it was the first day for Lukas(middle school) and Miah went into 3rd grade today. Praise God Matt got accepted into Greenville Tech Charter high school last week a couple days after school started yay!!! Here 's some pics of the kids except Miah her carpool got her early I will take a pic tomorrow :)
ok among my crazy obsession with diapers I have to say hairbows is right up there ok I don't have 20 or anything but I do like scoping out cute ones, I just found this website that makes the cutest one, Lilah Anne got this one over the weeked and I just read online that if you order bows right now and enter in gymbohaven you get free shipping which is outrageous by the way lol wish I had known about the deal last week anyway they make made to match gymboree so I might have to get a couple for some outfits I already got for next year :)
We celebrated Lukas' birthday over the weekend even though its not officially until the 12 th ;) We shared in the event with Lukas' friends from school, the Dotson's and Dempseys! Lukas had a pool party here with pizza and we had to move the cake cutting to our house in fear of getting drenched by the storm that was about to hit, but all was well all the kids got to play his new gift from us "rock band" for Wii, its amazing I haven't seen the kids since Saturday, haha j/k
Wow how to describe oneself hmmm? Well I was born and raised in Florida(you couldn't pay me enough to move back there) I met my wonderful husband Mark back in July of 1991 and we were married February 14,1992! We have had 4 beautiful blessings added to our wonderful lives,Matt is almost 16,Lukas is 12, Miah is 10 and our Tubal reversal miracle Lilah just turned 2 in October. We moved to the Greenville,SC area 9 years ago, on Christmas eve to be exact how nutty was that lol, I am a very laid back person, I research everything, I have a slight germaphobia problem lol I love to laugh have fun, enjoy each day and what it brings,love sharing God's love to everyone and when the opportunity arises I love to go dancing!!!