Sunday, July 27, 2008

I scream,u scream we all scream for .............

Hannah Montana and the Jonas brothers lol, we had a fun party here last night we watched the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus concert here in 3D with the Jonas Brothers, we had 8 girls and 2 boys here and they had a blast! In between singing we took a break for brownies and the yummy cookies Amy brought over, the pics didn't come out all that great and they were taken in the room and it was dark lol! Glad we TiVo'd it so we can watch it like 100 more times ;)


GiGi said...

Wow! Thats a very full house!!! Looks like fun. Even Lilah joined in!! Awesome!!!

GiGi said...

Wait a minute... is that r2d2 I see??? Your awesome!

Leah said...

haha yeah that is our "Star Wars" movie room :)

Sherry said...

Hi Leah. Followed a link to your blog. :) Just have to say that my 16yo dd is totally head over heels for Joe Jonas. At last count her bedroom sported over 80 pics/posters of him and the JoBros. I don't know how she can sleep at night with all those 'eyes' staring down at her. hahaha

She spent the other night at her friends so they could watch the show (no tv here) and came home all excited about it! Looks like you had a house full of kiddos!

Leah said...

awww how cute yeah the girls screamed everytime the Jonas Brothers came on, they were just about an hour from here last night but the thought at $100 or so dollars a ticket makes me shutter lol! Maybe another year :)