I mean really when its there not a day that isn't cram packed full of stuff to do,well we started off the weekend Friday with the Camp Rock movie which was pretty cute I might add, I heard that the Jo Bros are coming to charlotte the end of July Lukas would love to go see them so I will be on the hunt for some tix that don't cost me small fortune to get :)
Wow saturday was busy I was at work by 5:30ish and stayed til 11 when Mark came and got me so I could feed our littlest princess ;) off to Sams we went but got side tracked at Brick house with their Free coffee signs up I got a mocha frappachino and was it good, we browsed through the yard sales going on at Sams and we got a couple of things and then off to switch over our cell phone service and get new phones that only took like 2 hours can you believe it? Poor pumpkin was exhausted by the time we left. We had a great time at church yesterday, one of dads in our SS class had box seats to the Greenville drive game last night so all the dads went with their kids, Mark,Matt and Lukas had fun while Miah went off to VBS with the neighbors and I attempted to clean the house and play with Lilah whew! We have VBS this week at our church so I will run errands and go to 2 playgroup meetings this week while trying to get ready for our trip to Orlando, we leave on Friday yay!!
12 years ago